April 30 - 120/365
Canon Power Shot SD600
I'm not sure if you have ever taken a minute to read my little bio on the left side of my blog, but it has a strange little word in it that has absolutely nothing to do with photography - scientist. Yup.... that's right. I'm a scientist by day, photographer/baker/traveler by night. Today actually happened to be the last day of my last full week as a research scientist! I am lucky that I have found a new job I will be starting when I get back from vacation, and the new job, while still in the science field, will no longer require me to do experiments. So I took a few photos of my lab space and the model organism that I do my research on - flies. Fruit flies to be exact. We keep and grow the flies in vials, like these, and do all sorts of crazy things with these flies. Trust me, you don't want to know. But while I am excited to be moving on to a new job, I will miss the flies.... just a little.
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